FXSpotStream reports its second highest ADV ever of $49.596 billion

The multibank FX streaming aggregation and a matching service provider FXSpotStream announced its February trading volumes. The company posted its second-highest ADV ever of $49.596 billion.

FXSpotStream reported a 1.14% MoM increase in ADV for February 2021, compared to $49.036 billion in January 2021, which was previously holding the record for second-highest ADV.

On yearly basis, the company registered a 3.68% rise in ADV, compared to February 2020.


Moreover, on 26 February, the company supported $83.862 billion, the 3rd highest daily volume in FXSpotStream’s history

February’s overall volume reached $991.915 billion while for January it was $980.7 billion. February and January bod had 20 trading days.

February’s ADV of $49.5 billion is the company’s second-highest ADV on record, behind March 2020’s ADV of $62.378 billion.

FXSpotStream’s ADV for January and February of USD49.290billion is up 16.87% compared to the same period last year when it registered $42.177billion.

The company made a few appointments recently following a series of strategic hires. Yuta Inoguchi was appointed as Client Relationship Manager in the company’s Tokyo office and industry veteran Matthew Fic joined FXSpotStream as SVP – Americas Head of Sales.

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