FXCM cuts minimum trade size on single stock CFDs

FXCM Group, online FX and CFD trading and cryptocurrencies provider announced a cut to the minimum trade size of single stock CFDs.

Traders will have $0.00 commission after opening or closing trades and they now can hold positions on companies including Apple, Facebook and Netflix for less than $5 in margin. All FXCM single stock CFDs are available in one-tenth per share (0.1) increments.

The new offering gives clients better control of position sizes with the opportunity to buy a fraction of a share. Clients will have the option to trade 25 shares of Amazon or just 0.1, buy or sell 0.3 shares of Tesla per day or close all at once.


The new offering will allow customers to easily scale in or out of positions or access stocks that would have previously been too expensive.



Apple (AAPL.us)

Facebook (FB.us)

Netflix (NFLX.us)

Share Price*




FXCM Micronisation




Value of 1 FXCM Contract




Margin Requirement*





*The above figures are for illustrative purposes only. Share price and margin requirements update and should be viewed on FXCM trading platforms.

Brendan Callan CEO of FXCM commented:

With the growing market volatility our customers,understandably, want greater control and variety in terms of their trading opportunities. With fractional trading available, this is exactly what we are providing; a user-friendly service allowing anyone to trade companies in a way that allows them flexible trade sizes. Combined with our commission-free single stock CFD pricing structure, we have made the trading of household named shares more accessible than ever before.

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