Optimove launches OptiTrack for personalized customer marketing

Customer retention automation software company Optimove has today announced the launch of an end-to-end system for tracking the website activity of individual customers, and associating it with their existing database-stored behavioral records.

Arriving on the market under the product designation OptiTrack, the company can now provide additional customer behavior data which significantly enhances the scope of Optimove’s customer segmentation, personalized targeting effectiveness, and real-time capabilities.

Optimove Head of Marketing Amit Bivas explained in the company’s blog that “For businesses that do not already capture and store granular Web tracking data for individual customers in their data warehouses, adding this extra data dimension can provide valuable additional insight into customer behavior.”

Mr. Bivas, who recently met with LeapRate to discuss the importance of Optimove’s ability to automatically segment customer data and ensure effective retention in the FX industry during the same week that the firm was listed among one of the top twenty-five Israeli technology startups by Forbes magazine, continued to explain that “marketers can identify potentially valuable target groups based on particular flows they navigated through a website when correlated with other customers who navigated through similar flows and had different purchase patterns.”

Additionally, companies can target campaigns to “churn” customers (e.g., customers who haven’t made a purchase for more than six months) who just yesterday browsed the site for a particular product or product category, making greater use of leads which are stored on company databases.

Within the retail FX industry, due to the nature of the business which requires companies to constantly seek new clients as well as ensuring that existing ones do not suddenly cease to trade their accounts or withdraw, OptiTrack provides an intelligent method of staying on top of that situation.

In terms of functionality, it automatically tracks the website activity of individual customers, and associates it with their existing database-stored behavioral records. Including this additional customer behavior data significantly enhances the scope of Optimove’s customer segmentation, personalized targeting effectiveness, and real-time capabilities.

In an increasingly automated business, OptiTrack could spearhead the advent of predictive retention.

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