The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) today announced that, on 23rd May 2016, Forex broker CIF Vinson Financial Ltd, which provided investment services via the domain, renounced its authorization pursuant to section 24(1)(b) of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007, as in force (the ‘Law’).
Therefore, the authorization with Νumber 184/12 lapsed as from the abovementioned date.
It is noted that, in accordance with section 25(4) of the Law, Vinson Financial Ltd remains under the supervision of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission until it settles its obligations arising from the investment services or/and activities that lapsed.
Vinson offered MetaTrader platforms MT4, MT5 and was based in Limassol. As of now, there’s no other news on if the company will seek out other regulations or what this means for the brand going forward. The company first received its CySEC license on 30/11/2012.