Eurex sees a 15% increase in traded derivatives contracts in 2022

Eurex releases its trading volume report for December 2022 and the full year.


Traded contracts on the European derivatives exchange reached 158.4 million last month, recording a 11.7%MoM jump compared to November 2022 and an 8% YoY increase from December the previous year.

According to the trading update, interest rate derivatives reached 58.1 million contracts in December 2022. This was 22.6% increase on monthly basis and 24% compared to the previous year.


Notional outstanding volumes in OTC clearing also witnessed strong growth with 30% YoY. The Overall outstanding volume reached €26,186 billion at the end of last month. On monthly basis, there was a 4.2% decrease from €27,344.

The official announcement also detailed that the average daily cleared volumes jumped by 52% during last month, compared to December 2021. On monthly basis, however, the number fell 30%.

Eurex Repo recorded average daily term-adjusted volume increase of 68% compared to the same period the previous year to €179.4 billion. The GC Pooling market jumped 153% while the Repo Market also rose 40% YoY.


Eurex reported traded derivatives contracts of 1.96 billion contracts, registering a 15% increase.

Interest rate derivatives increased 20% to 725.7 million contracts.

In the OTC clearing section of the market, notional outstanding volumes in OTC clearing jumped 30% to €26.19 trillion. Daily OTC interest rate volumes reached €169 billion, up 27% from 2021.

The average daily term-adjusted repo volume for the full year jumped 50% to €210.1 billion. The GC Pooling market was up 37% while the Repo Market rose by 57% compared to the prior year.


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