Casey Kuhlman, CEO and Co-founder of Monax, joins Forbes Technology Council

Casey Kuhlman, CEO and Co-founder of Monax, joins Forbes Technology Council

Casey Kuhlman, CEO and Co-founder of Monax, an open-source blockchain platform for smart contract technology, has been accepted into the Forbes Technology Council. The Council is an invitation-only community for CIOs, CTOs, and technology executives.

Scott Gerber, Founder of Forbes Councils, the collective that includes the Forbes Technology Council, said:

We are honored to welcome Casey into the community. Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater impact on the business world.

Kuhlman was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors. Kuhlman’s combined experience in the legal and technological fields is evidenced through his extensive career and co-founding the Monax Platform, a contract lifecycle management tool which allows consumers to easily procure lawyer-tested agreements and stay in full control of their business contracting. Harnessing a unique combination of active agreements, blockchain technology and a business process modelling engine, the platform is designed to move business legal obligations into the networked world.

Monax is one of the founding companies behind the Agreements Network, an ecosystem used to create, distribute, and operate legal agreements. The Agreements Network enables new and more efficient forms of operating legal agreements via decentralised, distributed systems. It uses blockchain and smart contracts technologies to provide lawyers with the ability to productise their previously bespoke services and consumers with a real-time view on their obligations.

As an accepted member of the Council, Kuhlman has access to a variety of exclusive opportunities designed to help him reach peak professional influence, including the capacity to connect and collaborate with other respected local leaders in a private forum. Kuhlman will also be invited to work with a professional editorial team to share his expert insights in original business articles on, and to contribute to published Q&A panels alongside other experts.

Casey Kuhlman, CEO and Co-founder of Monax, commented:

I am honored to be asked to join the Forbes Technology Council and its rich industry community. I intend to participate as fully as possible to raise awareness of what we are building at Monax, and to continue raising the importance of blockchain technology to the legal industry.

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