After years of economic neglect, poverty for the common man and turmoil in the region, Iraq has finally reached a state of constant economic growth under democratic leadership in the aftermath of the US invasion in 2003 and the deposing of Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical regime.
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Iraq’s Economy is Rising
The main driving force behind Iraq’s economic growth is the wealth of natural resources reflected in a large number of oil and gas fields which are now open to international trade. Companies from around the world are investing into the development of these resources, which is reflected in the country’s ever-increasing oil exports. It seems that Iraq has completely recovered from the damage and downfall it suffered under the rule of Saddam Hussein.
An even greater exploration of Iraq’s oil reserves by international companies will lead to an even bigger tally of the country’s oil wealth, along with its already-known, vast reserves. In addition to all that wealth, Iraq seems to be blessed with geological formations that are perfectly accessible for drilling as opposed to most countries, which significantly brings down the costs of oil extraction.
The most obvious example of Iraq’s production advantages can be seen in the most recent Saudi Arabian oil production war which was designed to bankrupt the US shale-oil producers. And while oil producers in the US have been severely impacted by the overproduction “attack” from Saudi Arabia, Iraq still continues to produce and sell oil profitably.
What does this mean for the Iraqi Dinar?
The value of a nation’s economy, as well as its currency, is directly reflected in its natural resources, and Iraq’s oil reserves are big enough to drive its young democratic economy to prosperity. Given the fact that there is an insatiable need for gas and oil across the world, Iraq is can look forward to constant growth in its ever-growing role of the oil supplier to the world. Although Iraq is not there yet, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the country will take on the role of a regional and international energy super-power given its natural reserves in the near future. In fact, just recently the country’s Minister of Oil stated that Iraq will be able to produce 5 million barrels of oil a day in the second half of 2017.
With the economic boom led by Iraq’s oil industry, the national currency in the form of the Dinar will eventually rise to reflect the true value of the country’s oil wealth. The rise will most likely happen when the National Bank of Iraq lifts the artificially low value placed on the nation’s currency in 2003.
Historically, the new Iraqi Dinar reached an all-time low against USD of 1680 in January of 2004 and a record high of 1106 in December of 2015. Currently trading at 1180. USD/IQD chart from Yahoo Finance.
Additionally, current political events play a key role in predicting the future of any given currency, and the controversial “Muslim ban” instituted by Donald Trump could have had major consequences for the Iraqi economy, had it not been lifted on March 6th this year. This new order to exempt Iraq from the list of banned countries has proven to be very beneficial for the country’s currency with foreign currency investors being able to exchange Iraqi dinar at favorable rates, keeping the country a valuable asset in the foreign exchange market.
All in all, it seems that the Iraqi dinar is looking at a bright future.
In the end, it is important to note that Iraq presents a wealth of investment opportunities in many industries, with the economic rise being driven by oil and gas reserves. These opportunities will become even more apparent in the following years, as the newly-established government continues to offer new possibilities to international investors.