Boerse Stuttgart records September turnover of €4.9 billion

Boerse Stuttgart volumes

Based on the order book statistics, Boerse Stuttgart generated turnover of around EUR 4.9 billion in September 2018. Securitised derivatives made up the largest share of the turnover.

The trading volume in this asset class was more than EUR 2.3 billion. Leverage products generated over EUR 1.4 billion. Thereof around 437 million was attributable to warrants – an increase of around 25% compared with the previous month. Investment products contributed EUR 911 million to the total turnover.

According to the order book, trading in equities produced turnover in excess of EUR 1.1 billion. German equities contributed EUR 737 million towards this total and international equities roughly EUR 325 million.

The monthly total for trading in debt instruments (bonds) was EUR 905 million. At EUR 600 million, the lion’s share of turnover in this asset class was attributable to corporate bonds. Order book turnover for government bonds of developed countries was around EUR 72 million, which is an increase of 27 percent compared with the previous month.

Investment fund units contributed EUR 100 million to the September total. Turnover shown in the order book from exchange-traded products (ETPs) was EUR 529 million.

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