Category: Regulation

sfc warning
February 20, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Hong Kong SFC adds DA Corporation Partners to its alert list

Hong Kong’s financial regulator the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has updated its Alert List, which features the names of businesses that are unlicensed in Hong Kong and are believed to be, or to have been, targeting Hong Kong investors or claim to have an association with Hong Kong. Added to the SFC Alert List…

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BCSC warning
February 20, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Canadian regulator BCSC warns against Cap Growth FX website

Canadian regulator BCSC warned that recently has become aware of the website of Cap Growth FX, an entity that provides services in opening and managing trading accounts. Cap Growth FX is not registered to trade in, or advise on, securities or exchange contracts in British Columbia (BC). BCSC urges BC residents to exercise caution when…

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February 20, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

ASIC permanently bans former Easy Capital director

Mr Yingjie Wang (also known as Jay Wang), a lawyer and accountant from Sydney, NSW, has been permanently banned from providing financial services. Since June 2011, Mr Wang has been involved in the management of at least 14 companies who hold, or held, an Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence. These companies include: LSG Group Pty…

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February 17, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

FCA warns on Questra World firm

UK financial regulator Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued its latest warning against an unregulated financial services provider targeting UK consumers. The FCA’s latest warning is against the firm Questra World. Questra World is not authorised by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK and is also carrying on regulated activities which…

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NSD and Interfax launch Single Disclosure Window product
February 17, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Russia NSD completes annual assessment of its compliance with IOSCO PFMIs

National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, has completed the annual assessment of its compliance with the CPMI-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs). Compared with the previous year’s assessment, improvements were reported in NSD’s observance of three principles (“Money Settlements,” “Custody and Investment Risk” and “Tiered Participation Arrangements”). The level of observance of…

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February 17, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

FCA warns on Atlantic Global Asset Management firm

UK financial regulator Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued its latest warning against an unregulated financial services provider targeting UK consumers. The FCA’s latest warning is against the firm Atlantic Global Asset Management. Atlantic Global Asset Management is not authorised by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK and is also carrying…

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February 17, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Securities Commission Malaysia revokes licences of four individuals

Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) has revoked the Capital Markets Services Representative’s Licences (CMSRLs) of Yew Hock Ming (Yew), Ling Chen Yew (Ling) and Tiong Siew Ngaik (Tiong) under section 72 read together with section 65 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (CMSA), effective 18 January 2017. Yew, Ling and Tiong were formerly attached…

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Hong Kong SFC
February 17, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

SFC issues 3Q report with a record high in total number of licensed corporations and registered institutions

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) published its Quarterly Report summarising key developments from October to December 2016. Highlights include the launch of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the signing of a mutual recognition of funds agreement between the SFC and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. During the quarter, the SFC began a public…

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