Tag: Scotland referndum

December 02, 2013 BY Gerald Segal

Scottish independence – Pound vs. Euro decision

Scotland government white paper (purposely) leaves out any mention of a Scottish currency Scotland's government, led by Alex Salmond’s Scottish National Party, tabled its ‘White Paper’ on Scottish independence earlier this week, and it was as notable for what was NOT in it as for what was. One of the main omissions was talk of…

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October 23, 2013 BY Gerald Segal

Would Scotland independence mean a new Scottish currency?

With a Scottish independence referendum a year away, how would this complication be handled? UK spreadbetting and forex industry firms must be licking their chops at the prospect of Scotland launching its own currency, as Scotland nears its referendum on independence on September 18, 2014. UK retail trading clients rank among the highest worldwide in…

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