Tag: APIs

QIB UK selects Volante Technologies’ PSD2 Open Banking solution
October 02, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

QIB UK selects Volante Technologies’ PSD2 Open Banking solution

Volante Technologies Inc., a global provider of software for accelerated end-to-end payments processing, has announced that Qatar Islamic Bank UK plc (QIB) has selected VolPay Channel: Open Banking and Token to implement PSD2 compliance for the bank. Building upon Volante’s partnership with Token who provide PSD2 compliant APIs, VolPay Channel: Open Banking will deliver a…

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April 17, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

Tradency adds new APIs and services to its core auto trading engine

Tradency, a financial technology provider, has just announced the expansion of its F-PaaS, technology outsourcing offering. Tradency’s core auto-trading engines were added to the F-PaaS offering and are now available for integration with a wide range of applications through its easy to learn, use and maintain APIs. The F-PaaS technology offering also includes complementary professional…

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