Upgraded CQG M app features volume comparison widget

Colorado-headquartered CQG, a provider of data, decision making, and order execution software, has just released version 2.0 of its CQG M application.

With the 2.0 release on mdemo.cqg.com, the company has also added a volume comparison widget. Traders can access it by swiping on the chart that is attached to a quote board.

The widget empowers traders to conduct dual-axis volume comparison. On top of a standard volume histogram, this solution provides traders with an insight as to how the market is behaving compared to previous days in two ways:

  • Compared to the same time period in previous days;
  • Compared to previous time periods today and in previous days.

This type of comparison enables traders to see how the market is evolving in a more detailed way rather than traditional volume histograms on a chart.

For details, check out the image below:


The new feature is set to be deployed to m.cqg.com next week.

You can find out more about the volume comparison widget by clicking here.

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