KCG sees no change in market making volumes in October

Earlier today KCG Holdings, Inc. Class A (NYSE:KCG) posted its operating metrics for October 2015, with market making volumes seeing virtually no change when compared to September 2015 levels. This is barely a piece of good news, as September saw a 15% month-on-month drop in market making volumes.

In Market Making, KCG averaged $30.3 billion dollar volume traded, 4.9 billion shares traded, and 3.9 million trades per day in U.S. Equities in October 2015. The results are broadly unchanged from September 2015.

In Global Execution Services:

  • KCG electronic execution averaged 310.3 million shares traded per day in U.S. Equities, down from 312.8 million in September 2015.
  • KCG BondPoint averaged $142.3 million per day in fixed income par value, which is markedly up from the result of $131.1 million registered in the preceding month.

Regarding the overall market conditions in October, consolidated U.S. equity volume averaged $283.7 billion in dollar volume and 7.1 billion shares traded per day. The realized volatility for the S&P 500 was 12.8, steeply down from the reading of 22.4 reported for September.

You can view KCG’s announcement on its October 2015 operating metrics by clicking here.

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