In December 2017, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) announced that it has achieved a total volume of 234.5 TWh on its power derivatives markets (December 2016: 287.4 TWh). The December volume comprised 160.8 TWh traded at EEX via Trade Registration with subsequent clearing. Clearing and settlement of all exchange transactions was executed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC).
On the German power derivatives market, trading volumes in Phelix-DE Futures (72.9 TWh) exceeded Phelix-DE/AT Futures (66.0 TWh) for the first time. On the markets for Italy (50.0 TWh) and Spain (7.4 TWh), EEX recorded the highest monthly volume of the year 2017. Compared to the previous year, volumes in these markets increased by 43% (Italy) and 10% (Spain). On the Dutch power derivatives market, trading volumes almost doubled to 1.8 TWh (December 2016: 0.9 TWh).
Emission Allowances
On the EEX markets for emission allowances, 65.6 million tonnes of CO2 were traded in December (December 2016: 117.6 million tonnes of CO2). Primary market auctions contributed 45.0 million tonnes of CO2 to the total volume.
Agricultural Products
Throughout December, a total of 3,778 contracts was traded in agricultural products (December 2016: 5,046 contracts). In the dairy segment, the volume reached 2,747 contracts (equal to 13,735 tonnes) which is a year-on-year increase of 7% (December 2016: 2,563). In processing potatoes, a volume of 1,031 contracts (equal to 25,775 tonnes) was traded.
Global Commodities
In freight futures which are available for trade registration, EEX almost doubled its volume to 2,455 contracts in December (December 2016: 1,315 contracts).
New Participants
In December, EEX admitted Wien Energie GmbH, Vienna as new trading participant. ENGIE Global Markets SAS, Paris extended its admission to trading in Freight. JWM Energie Sp.z.o.o., Katowice (Poland) was additionally admitted on the market for emission allowances and Vattenfall Energy Trading GmbH, Hamburg on the market for wood pellets.