Tag: Hazelcast

November 03, 2016 BY Valentina Kirilova

Hazelcast and Striim announce the launch of Hazelcast Striim Hot Cache

Hazelcast, the global open source in-memory data grid (IMDG), and Striim, provider of  end-to-end, real-time data integration and streaming analytics platform, have announced the launch of Hazelcast Striim Hot Cache. This integration enables real-time, push-based propagation of changes from the database to the cache. For organizations that manage high volumes of data, Hazelcast Striim Hot…

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March 22, 2016 BY Maria Nikolova

Latest version of Hazelcast Enterprise provides support for Azul’s Java runtime

Java runtime solutions provider Azul Systems today announces a partnership with provider of operational in-memory computing Hazelcast. Azul Zing, Azul's Java Virtual Machine (JVM), gets certified and supported in Version 3.6 of Hazelcast Enterprise. Hazelcast’s formal support for Zing, makes it easier for enterprises to build and deploy memory-based webscale Java applications. Hazelcast and Azul…

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