TMX Group reaches 54% MoM high in Interest Rate Futures contracts in December

TMX Group Limited (TSX:X) has released its annual report for 2017. Details can be seen in the tables below.

Interest Rate Futures contracts

The trading volume of Three-month Euroyen futures was 138,573 (+ 54.1% MoM / – 18.9% YoY) and its average daily volume was 6,599.

項目 December   2017
Trading Volume Daily Average Change on Previous Month Year on Year Change
Total of Interest Rate Futures contracts 138,573 6,599 54.1% -18.9%
Three-month Euroyen futures 138,573 6,599 54.1% -18.9%
Options on Three-month Euroyen futures 0 0
Put 0 0
Call 0 0

FX Daily Futures contracts(Click 365)

The total trading volume of FX Daily Futures contracts (Click 365) was 2,069,608 (- 10.6% MoM / – 37.5% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 98,554.

(Top 10 items in the current month)
December   2017
Trading Volume 一Daily Average Change on Previous Month Year on Year Change
Click 365 2,069,608 98,554 -10.6% -37.5%
U.S. Dollar-Japanese Yen 511,262 24,346 -29.4% -68.5%
South African Rand-Japanese Yen 424,945 20,235 15.4% 52.2%
Turkish Lira -Japanese Yen 289,088 13,766 -25.6% 7.4%
Australian Dollar-Japanese Yen 140,045 6,669 -3.5% -36.3%
British Pound-Japanese Yen 138,111 6,577 -28.5% -49.7%
New Zealand Dollar-Japanese Yen 132,807 6,324 16.9% 5.7%
Euro-Japanese Yen 113,916 5,425 11.9% -32.8%
Mexican Peso-Japanese Yen 85,419 4,068 95.4%
Euro-U.S. Dollar 56,326 2,682 -9.2% -57.4%
British Pound-U.S. Dollar 32,225 1,535 32.1% -39.1%
Other Currency pairs 145,464 6,927 -3.0% -13.8%

Equity Index Daily Futures contracts (Click kabu 365)

The total trading volume of Equity Index Daily Futures contracts (Click kabu 365) was 507,929 (- 52.4% MoM / + 19.4% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 24,495.

Items December   2017
Trading Volume Daily Average Change on Previous Month Year on Year Change
Click kabu 365 507,929 24,495 -52.4% 19.4%
Nikkei 225 Daily Futures contract 397,371 18,922 -53.1% 22.6%
DJIA Daily Futures contract 93,794 4,690 -51.9% 1.4%
DAX® Daily Futures contract 6,646 350 -47.3% 58.5%
FTSE 100 Daily Futures contract 10,118 533 -21.3% 120.5%

Total all products 

Combined trading volume for all TFX products was 2,716,110 (- 21.8% MoM / – 30.5% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 129,648.

Trading Volume from January 2017 through December 2017

Combined trading volume for all TFX products was 38,478,945 (- 26.1% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 151,458.

The trading volume of Three-month Euroyen futures was 1,545,861 (- 38.3% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 6,259.

The total trading volume of FX Daily Futures contracts (Click 365) was 28,995,593 (- 33.5% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 114,457.

The total trading volume of Equity Index Daily Futures contracts (Click kabu 365) was 7,937,491 (+ 32.6% YoY) and its average daily trading volume was 30,742.

(Top 10 items in the current year)
Trading Volume from January 2017 through December 2017
Trading Volume Daily Average Year on Year Change
Total 38,478,945 151,458 -26.1%
Total of Interest Rate Futures contracts 1,545,861 6,259 -38.3%
Three-month Euroyen futures 1,545,861 6,259 -38.3%
Options on Three-month Euroyen futures 0 0
Put 0 0
Call 0 0
The total trading volume of Click 365 28,995,593 114,457 -33.5%
U.S. Dollar-Japanese Yen 10,478,227 40,456 -30.1%
South African Rand-Japanese Yen 4,156,809 16,049 7.7%
Turkish Lira -Japanese Yen 3,529,833 13,629 -4.1%
British Pound-Japanese Yen 2,135,877 8,247 -57.5%
Australian Dollar-Japanese Yen 2,013,196 7,773 -62.2%
Euro-Japanese Yen 1,700,235 6,565 -28.1%
Euro-U.S. Dollar 1,213,754 4,686 -45.9%
New Zealand Dollar-Japanese Yen 1,057,673 4,084 -47.8%
British Pound-U.S. Dollar 658,807 2,544 -38.9%
Australian Dollar-U.S. Dollar 355,991 1,374 -26.9%
Other Currency pairs 1,695,191 9,050 -32.3%
The total trading volume of Click Kabu 365 7,937,491 30,742 32.6%
Nikkei 225 Daily Futures contract 5,722,311 22,094 10.0%
DJIA Daily Futures contract 1,874,728 7,295 211.8%
DAX® Daily Futures contract 155,430 619 68.4%
FTSE 100 Daily Futures contract 185,022 734 106.6%


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