EEX Group announces newest participant Edlo Energy S.p.A.

EEX has just announced its newest participant Edlo Energy S.p.A..

Edlo Energy S.p.A. has been admitted to exchange trading for Phelix Futures and Options, Belgian Financial Power Futures, Dutch Financial Power Futures, French Financial Power Futures and Options, Greek Financial Power Futures, Italian Financial Power Futures and Options, Nordic Financial Power Futures and Options, Romanian Financial Power Futures, Spanish Financial Power Futures and Options and Swiss Financial Power Futures.

EEX Group provides the central market platform for energy and commodity products. The offering of the group comprises contracts listed at the European Energy Exchange (EEX), EPEX SPOT, Powernext, Cleartrade Exchange (CLTX), Gaspoint Nordic and Power Exchange Central Europe (PXE) as well as clearing and settlement via European Commodity Clearing (ECC).

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